
How to Write an Objective Essay

How Can I Write More Objectively?

Objective writing is important in avoiding brassiness while writing papers. A strong essay should have an effective and credible main point of argument. A writer can write objectively by being attentive to the language, construction, and research of the paper. Moreover, your style of writing should be objective in that it avoids mentioning personal feelings. In order to express your point of view and still write in an objective style, you can use some of the following language strategies given by iwriteessays.com

  • Mobilize information in your essay structure with the aim of emphasizing things and ideas and not talking of personal feelings and affection.For example, an alternative for "I believe the model is valid, based on these findings", could be "These findings indicate that the model is valid" or "The following section will show how the model is validated by the findings".
  • Avoid using colloquial words when evaluating your essay and use more academic and discipline specific words such as out-dated, accurate, valid, and reliable.
  • Do not use emotional language in the evaluation of your essay. Alternatively, you can use a moderated and graded language. For instance, the writer can avoid writing, "Parents who smoke are obviously abusing their children", and instead write, "Second hand smoke has some harmful effects on children’s health."
  • Model your paper in such a way that other people have the room for argument. For example, instead of writing, "I think second-hand smoke causes cancer", write, or "There is evidence to support the possibility that second-hand smoke increases the risk of cancer."
  • Find credible and authoritative sources (i.e. authors or researchers in books or articles) that agree or relate to your thesis statement and quote them in your paper. For example, do not write that "Language is, in my view, clearly something social", but write "As Halliday (1973) shows, language is intrinsically social."

Objective writing tips

  • Analyse the level of biasness in your sources- using approved articles and publications is one way of avoiding biasness.
  • Gauge your stand in relation to the countering view(s) - You can repudiate counter arguments by stating clear evidence that logically states why you consider your argument stronger.
  • Use objective language-in order to maintain credibility and objectivity of your words; you should try to avoid using subjective language.
  • It is recommendable not to use first-person and second-person pronouns- the only exception for such pronouns is in case you are conducting primary research and analysing it.
  • Be clear in expressing your thoughts- being more specific in your essay gives you the opportunity making stronger arguments and defending arguments.