
How To Write An Essay Introduction Ks3

How To Write An Essay Introduction Ks3

Most students have problems writing their essays since they do not what or what not to include in their essay introductions. iWriteEssays.com will help you solve this by telling you how you should write an essay introduction. Your introduction should be captivating and enjoyable so that the reader can have the zeal to go on reading the whole essay. Once you write a boring introduction, you are prone to get low marks and fail since your professor may end up not reading your whole essay if he gets bored by the introduction. To save you from this, we will tell you how you need to write an essay introduction so that you can always have the best introductions for your essays.

  1. Begin with an attention grabber


Your attention grabber may include the following:

  • Startling information - this information must be true and verifiable but does not need to be very new to your readers. If you use a piece of startling information, follow it with a sentence or two of elaboration.
  • Anecdote – An anecdote is ussually a short piece of writing that make a point that is relevant to your topic. This can be an effective opener to your essay if you use it carefully.
  • Dialogue – a nice dialogue should not identify the speakers but the reader must understand the point you are trying to convey. Use only two or three exchanges between speakers to make your point.
  • Summary information – a few sentences explaining your topic in general terms can lead the reader gently to your thesis. Each sentence should come gradually more specific, until you reach your thesis.
  1. If the attention grabber was only a sentence or two, add one or two more sentences that will lead the reader from your opening to your thesis statement.
  2. Finish the paragraph with your thesis statement.