
How to Write a Critical Review Essay

What Is The Purpose of a critical review And How Do I Write A Review Essay?

Critical review writing asks you to evaluate and summarize a given text. It would be of a chapter, book or a journal article. Writing critical reviews needs you to read the text in detail and the other related texts to enable you present a reasonable and fair evaluation of the text.  Below are some tips on how to write a critical evaluation essay:

What is the meaning of critical?

In the university, critical does not mean to criticise negatively, but it needs you to question the data and the opinions in the text provided. To ensure to perform this well, you must try to comprehend the topic from various perspectives and in relation to approaches and theories in your course.

Steps to writing a critical review essay

  • Step 1

Read the selected text and ensure you comprehend the point of view of the author.

  • Step 2

Start by summarizing the point of view of the author in relation to the topic as you provide brief explanations of the main points of the author. This particular part of an essay must clearly illustrate the actual reading and no addition of opinions.

  • Step 3

Ensure you study about the topic from other sources to acquire more knowledge of the issues raised.

  • Step 4

Start responding to the facts in the text read. Ensure the inclusion of the information used by the author. In addition, you can provide the information missing if applicable.

  • Step 5

Explain the concepts and ideologies brought up in the text. When you disagree with the author, provide reason why, by providing objective and factual data about your opposing point of view.

  • Step 6

Give alternate points of view of the text. It is advisable to include all views on a particular topic despite their degree of validity.

Iwriteessays.com proposes the following significant notes to recall while writing a review essay.

  • The most significant aspect to recall is that the exhibit, book, or any other scholarly work is a tool that has a particular function.
  • For you to evaluate the tool, you must comprehend its function. In addition, you must ensure you have explained that to the reader of the text answering the question, "What is the best thing about that work?”
  • In the process, you would find out that you are splitting the book into two sections trying to establish how it works and imagining how the author would have wrote it differently. In addition, analyzing from the point of view of the author and comparing it to other scholarly work. This is what we term as critical reading.